Wrapper Classes in Java

In Java, a wrapper class is a class that encapsulates the primitive data types (such as int, double, char, boolean, etc.) and provides additional functionality. The wrapper classes are used to convert primitive data types into objects, so they can be used in collections, as method arguments, and as return types.

Java provides eight wrapper classes for the primitive data types:

1. Integer: wraps an int value.
2. Long: wraps a long value.
3. Float: wraps a float value.
4. Double: wraps a double value.
5. Short: wraps a short value.
6. Byte: wraps a byte value.
7. Character: wraps a char value.
8. Boolean: wraps a boolean value.

All of these classes are part of the java.lang package, and are automatically imported into every Java program.

Why do we need wrapper classes in Java?

Dealing with primitives as objects is easier at times. Most of the objects collection store objects and not primitive types. Many utility methods are provided by wrapper classes. To get these advantages we need to use wrapper classes. As they are objects, they can be stored in any of the collection and pass this collection as parameters to the methods.

The wrapper classes provide many useful methods that allow us to manipulate and extract information from the wrapped value. For example, the Integer class provides methods to convert an int value to a string, to compare two Integer objects, and to convert an Integer object to a double.

Here's an example that demonstrates the use of some of these methods:

// Create an Integer object with a value of 42
Integer myInteger = new Integer(42);

// Convert the Integer to a String
String myString = myInteger.toString();

// Compare two Integer objects
Integer anotherInteger = new Integer(42);
if (myInteger.equals(anotherInteger)) {
    System.out.println("The two Integers are equal.");

// Convert an Integer to a double
double myDouble = myInteger.doubleValue();

In this example, we create an Integer object with a value of 42. We then convert the Integer object to a String using the toString() method. We compare two Integer objects using the equals() method. Finally, we convert the Integer object to a double using the doubleValue() method.

Auto-Boxing and Auto-Unboxing:

Java provides a feature called auto-boxing and auto-unboxing, which allows us to convert between primitive types and their corresponding wrapper classes automatically. For example, instead of explicitly creating an Integer object and assigning it an int value, we can simply assign the int value to an Integer variable. The compiler will automatically create an Integer object and assign it the int value. This is known as auto-boxing.

Similarly, when we need to extract the primitive value from a wrapper class object, we can simply assign the wrapper class object to a primitive variable. The compiler will automatically extract the value from the wrapper class object and assign it to the primitive variable. This is known as auto-unboxing.

Here's an example that demonstrates auto-boxing and auto-unboxing:

// Auto-boxing
Integer myInteger = 42;

// Auto-unboxing
int myInt = myInteger;

In this example, we assign an int value of 42 to an Integer variable. This is possible because of auto-boxing. We then assign the Integer variable to an int variable. This is possible because of auto-unboxing.


Wrapper classes in Java are used to encapsulate primitive data types and provide additional functionality. They allow us to convert primitive data types into objects, and vice versa. They also provide many useful methods that allow us to manipulate and extract information from the wrapped value. Finally, Java provides auto-boxing and auto-unboxing, which allows us to convert between primitive types and their corresponding wrapper classes automatically.

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